уторак, 29. јануар 2013.

[Sepeda Motor] Akhir Bulan Januari ini, Mazda CX-9 Terbaru Mengaspal

Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Akhir Bulan Januari ini, Mazda CX-9 Terbaru

F: Mazda CX-9 (MMI) JAKARTA - Dipenghujung Januari 2013 ini, PT Mazda Motor
Indonesia (MMI) akan menghadirkan generasi terbaru dari CX-9. Dalam undangan
resminya, model ini akan diluncurkan pada 31 Januari 2013 nanti di salah satu
hotel di Jakarta.Ke...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

понедељак, 28. јануар 2013.

[Info Mobil] Hennessey Venom GT Digeber 13.63 Detik Langsung Capai 300 Kmj

Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'Hennessey Venom GT Digeber 13.63 Detik
Langsung Capai 300 Kmj'

Supercar asal Amerika Serikat, Hennessey Venom GTtelah berhasil memecahkan rekor
dunia sekaligus menciptakan rekor dunia baru untuk akselerasi tercepat untuk
sebuah mobil versi produksi. Venom GTberhasil melakukan sprint dari posisi diam

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

петак, 25. јануар 2013.

[Kerja] Lowongan Kerja Januari 2013 Di Ambon

Kerja has posted a new item, 'Lowongan Kerja Januari 2013 Di Ambon'

Lowongan Kerja Januari 2013 Di Ambon - Bursa Lowongan Kerja Januari 2013,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Januari 2013, Job Vacancy Januari 2013, Loker Terbaru
Januari 2013, Lowongan Pekerjaan Januari 2013, Update Lowongan Kerja Januari
2013, Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di Bulan Januari 2013 di Ambon.
PT. Bank Nationalnobu
Nobu National Bank sebuah Bank swasta nasional berwawasan global mencari tenaga
profesional berwawasan kedepan untuk mengisi posisi berikut :Frontliner
(Penempatan : Ambon)

Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Ambon

Requirements Lowongan Kerja Ambon Januari 2013:

Pria atau Wanita, usia max 26 tahun
Pendidikan minimal Diploma III Segala Jurusan
IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4,00)
Fresh graduate / Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
Berpenampilan menarik
Tinggi badan / berat badan proposional
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Full-Time position(s) available.

Please send us your recent CV, Application letter, Photo, copy ID and transcript
academy to:

Recruitment Department
Karawaci Office Park (Ruko Pinangsia) Blok M no.27-29
Lippo karawaci - Tangerang 15811.
Phone : 021-5521215
(cantumkan kode posisi : FL Ambon disudut kanan amplop).

Or via Email to : nobu.recruitment@gmail.com
(Subject : FL Ambon).

Tgl. Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Januari 2013 Di Ambon 14 Feb 2013

Demikianlah informasi tentang Lowongan Kerja 2013 bisa anda baca juga Lowongan
Kerja Januari 2013 Di Aceh terima kasih dan salam sukses saya ucapkan.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

четвртак, 24. јануар 2013.

[Sepeda Motor] New Honda Jazz: Daftar Harga Sesuai Tipe Dan Varian

Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'New Honda Jazz: Daftar Harga Sesuai Tipe
Dan Varian'

Daftar Harga New Honda Jazz Sesuai Tipe Dan Varian. Artikel otomotif ini
menyajikan beberapa daftar harga mobil hatchback New Honda Jazz sesuai dengan
tipe dan variannya. Dimulai dari harga New Honda Jazz tipe A yang terdiri dari
varian New Jazz S dan ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

понедељак, 21. јануар 2013.

[Juventus FC] Juventus-Udinese, i precedenti

Juventus FC has posted a new item, 'Juventus-Udinese, i precedenti'

28vittorie,4 pareggi e 6sconfitte: il bilancio tra Juventus e Udinese a Torino
parla di una netta superiorità dei padroni di casa, non priva però di qualche
importante colpo a sorpresa dei friulani, cresciuti notevolmente nell'u...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Juventus FC

субота, 19. јануар 2013.

[Sepeda Motor] Rolls-Royce Rp10 Miliar Keok Hadapi Banjir Jakarta

Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Rolls-Royce Rp10 Miliar Keok Hadapi Banjir

- Mobil mewah dengan banderol selangit tak jadi jaminan mampu menerobos
banjir Jakarta. Buktinya, Rolls-Royce Phantom harus keok alias mogok
saat di kawasan Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI) yang diserbu banjir sejak
Kamis pagi, 17 Januari 201...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

петак, 18. јануар 2013.

[Automotive Xplore] Automotive Rapid Prototyping Fail First Paradox - AUTOMOTIVE

Automotive Xplore has posted a new item, 'Automotive Rapid Prototyping Fail
First Paradox - AUTOMOTIVE'

New product development and innovation is much more difficult and time consuming
than most other business activities. Automotive rapid prototyping greatly
enhances learning speed and reduces the risk of new automotive parts
Historically, the automotive industry has been using rapid prototyping as an
important tool in the automotive parts design process. The extremely fast-paced
automotive design cycles require an extremely fast prototyping system which can
produce car parts fast and inexpensively.
The main objective of automotive prototyping is to learn quickly: how a new
automotive product behaves in its natural working environment, before
transferring the prototype to the production line. Many times, mistakes are
learned only after a new automotive part is launched. This is the main
explanation for poor automotive parts design, from product mismatch, poor
engineering and function or finish, and overpriced production. In order to
accelerate the learning curve, before these costly automotive prototyping
mistakes are made, one must accelerate and facilitate feedback loops from tests
in the lab and market trials.
Automotive Manufacturing Technologies

Working with an assortment of rapid prototyping equipment, automotive
prototyping engineers utilize the most advanced 3D printers, in their quest for
perfect form, function and utility. Working in advanced manufacturing centers,
the automotive engineers use the technology to verify what they are doing, and,
equally important, to save tremendous amounts of time, and money.
Automotive Rapid Prototyping Compresses Development Time
The advantages of 3D rapid prototyping model creation versus viewing a cad/cam
model on a computer screen is palpable. Automotive parts engineers get together
discuss the pros and cons of a rapidly produced automotive parts model and
discuss the pros and cons of the design, as they pass it around, twisting and
viewing the prototype, and decide if that is what they had in mind. This way,
problems get solved up front, before going to the assembly line! Once determined
that the automotive prototype design is a go, the model can then be sent to a
die maker.

Automotive Prototyping and the Die Maker Process

The die maker cannot use model to make the die, but because they have it in
their hand and can look at it and feel it, they can determine where the parting
lines will be and exactly how much steel they will need to produce it. The
timing of the die process is greatly compressed.
Examples of Automotive Rapid Prototyping Parts
Engine castings and parts
Car Engine parts
Auto Mechanical parts
Car Dashboards
Car Handles and Knobs
Auto Body Components
Car Trim parts
Fail first Paradox in Automotive Rapid PrototypingThe automotive rapid
prototyping paradox is to fail earlier rather than later. By failing earlier,
the design engineers surprisingly succeed in accelerating the project; this
greatly reduces development cost risk.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Automotive Xplore

Automotive Xplore

Automotive Xplore | Car reviews can be found at


четвртак, 17. јануар 2013.


Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'READY NEW BM BLACKBERRY ESSEX 9650

NEW BM BLACKBERRY ESSEX 9650 /TOUR 2Langsung aja penampakannya :

Price : Rp. 1.525.000 - NET!!spesifikasi
- Mesin BlackBerry Original Asli Eropa- (NO BOLONG/JUMPER)- Kelengkapan FULLSET
(BNOB)- UNLOCK All Operator- PIN & IMEI 100% Lancar- Garansi Mesin 2 Minggu,
(Kecuali jatuh ,human error,terkena air)- PIN Imei Lifetime- Accesories OC (New
Original Cina) non garansi
KELENGKAPAN (Accesories) :
HeadsetChargerKabel DataBateraiCD DriverManual BookPouchDus
serious buyer only klo minat hub 082116642686PIN : PM
COD : Kota BandungKIRIM2 : Luar Kota (Ane kirim pake JNE + Asuransi)
Nuhun Juragan
SEDIKIT TESTI DARI BUYERQuote:Original Posted By bayulostfaith thanks buat agan
jimny88 ini hpnya bagus gan....ga sia2 ane beli ke agan satu ini pokonya Nuuhun

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

среда, 16. јануар 2013.


Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'REGULATOR KIPROK ANTI TEKOR AKI'

Contoh RK yang terpasang

Kekurangan dan Kelebihan AC ke DC

Banyak cara meningkatkan kinerja sistem penerangan alias lampu di motkas (motor
bekas). Mulai dari yang sederhana dengan mengaplikasikan lampu Halogen sampai
yang paling rumit denga...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

уторак, 15. јануар 2013.


Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'KOIL ANDRION XP 5A RACING'

Koil andrion XP 5A.

Koil andrion XP CMC series 5 A, Merupakan revolusi teknologi pengapian untuk
sepeda motor dengan kombinasi teknologi design terbaru voltage output lilitan
primer atau sekunder. RFC (Radion Frequency Choke) dan teknologi "laminat...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

понедељак, 14. јануар 2013.

[Sing!] Hilang Cahaya - Mohd Mentor

Sing! has posted a new item, 'Hilang Cahaya - Mohd Mentor'

Tajuk Lagu: Hilang Cahaya
Album: -
Artis: Mohd Mentor

Muzik Video: Hilang Cahaya - Mohd Mentor

Lirik Lagu: Hilang Cahaya - Mohd Mentor

Apakah erti hidupku tanpa cahayaMu
Hilang bersama berlalu masa bagiku
Sisa-sisa hidup masih jauh menanti
Tak ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Kerja] Lowongan Kerja Payroll PT Cartini Lingerie Indonesia

Kerja has posted a new item, 'Lowongan Kerja Payroll PT Cartini Lingerie

Lowongan Kerja PT Cartini Lingerie Indonesia, a PMA Company of Garment
Industry that specialze in Underwear apparel located in Boyolali, Central Java,
Indonesia, is inviting qualified personnel to apply for the Lowongan Kerja PT
Cartini Lingerie Indonesia position of :


* Min. D3
* Female, age max 30 years old
* Can operate computer MS Office (Word, Excel)
* Good analyzing, calculating and creating report.
* At least 1 year of working experience in the related field is required for
this position.
* Fluent in English is preferable

Please indicate the Lowongan Kerja PT Cartini Lingerie Indonesia position
applied and send your application letter complete with CV, contact number,
expected salary and recent photograph with attention to maximum 2 weeks after
this lowongan kerja advertisement to:

HR. Department
Dukuh Tegalsari RT.01 RW.04
Desa Randusari, Kec. Bergas
Kab. Boyolali, Jawa Tengah

Or via email :cartinilingerieindonesia@gmail.com

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

недеља, 13. јануар 2013.

[Baju.in] Beeb Cardy - Rp. 40.000

Baju.in has posted a new item, 'Beeb Cardy - Rp. 40.000'

SPECIAL PROMO KHUSUS BEEB CARDY DISKON 7.500,jika order silahkan konfirmasi by
SMS ONLY 087821609333 untuk konfirmasi diskon nya :)

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Konser] Foto Artis-Artis YG Entertainment Yang Sedang Olahraga

Konser has posted a new item, 'Foto Artis-Artis YG Entertainment Yang Sedang

Sebagai salah satu agensi terbesar di Korea Selatan, YG Entertainment memiliki
sejumlah artis dengan fans yang cukup banyak. Tentu saja para penggemar tersebut
akan selalu penasaran tentang apa saja aktivitas para artis YG bila sedang punya
waktu lu...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Diameter] Rihanna Is A Dirty Girl At Roxbury Nightclub

Diameter has posted a new item, 'Rihanna Is A Dirty Girl At Roxbury Nightclub'

Was there some break dancing going on in the wee hours?!

Rihanna hit up Roxbury nightclub in Hollywood last night, and the "Diamonds"
singer looked picture perfect when she arrived in a pink crop top sweater and
tight blac...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Gitar] David Bowie Releases New Single "Where Are We Now?"

Gitar has posted a new item, 'David Bowie Releases New Single "Where Are We

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Sepeda Motor] Yamaha Xeon Injeksi Diluncurkan Januari

Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Yamaha Xeon Injeksi Diluncurkan Januari'

Yamaha Xeon Injeksi Akan Diluncurkan Januari - Pada artikel sebelumnya mengenai
Yamaha Xeon Injeksi sudah dipaparkan bentuk motor ini. Mulai dari desainnya
sampai jenis-jenisnya. Lumayan lengkap menurut saya mengenai gambaran motor ini.
Berikut ini jug...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] Dibutuhkan urgent IT Sales Executive

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'Dibutuhkan urgent IT Sales

11 Januari 2013 s/d 10 Februari 2013
PT. Eazyway Smart Solutions
APL Tower Lt.6 T2, Central Park. Jl. S. Parman Kav 28 | Kunjungi Website

PT. Eazyway Smart Solutions ( ESS) berdiri sejak tahun 2000. Eazyway adalah
salah satu perusahaan yang...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

субота, 12. јануар 2013.

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Field Research Assistant (5 positions) with the Research Group of Water Sanitation and Hygiene under the Centre for Communicable Diseases (Re-Advertisement #08/13) - icddr,b - Dhaka, Bangladesh

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Field Research
Assistant (5 positions) with the Research Group of Water Sanitation and Hygiene
under the Centre for Communicable Diseases (Re-Advertisement #08/13) - icddr,b -
Dhaka, Bangladesh'

icddr,b invites applications from suitable candidates for the position of Field
Research Assistant (5 positions) with the Research Group of Water Sanitation and
Hygiene under the Centre for Communicable Diseases. The appointment will be made
on a Contractual Service Agreement (CSA) basis for 6 months, which may be
renewable depending on satisfactory performance and availability of funds.
Duty Station Dhaka

Salary Tk.20,990/-(consolidated) per month inclusive of house rent and
conveyance allowances. No other benefit is admissible.

Job Profile

Administer questionnaire by using PDA to collect hygiene related data
consistently and reliable manner by using various instruments;
Review data collection instruments for accuracy and completeness;
Prompt identification and communication of operational difficulties in the field
to supervisor, particularly issues surrounding questionnaire and data
Jointly work with Field Research Officer(s) and Research Investigator with PDA
data Management of the collected data;
Develop a list of enrolled households.


Bachelors degree in any discipline with good academic records;
3 years experience in the relevant field;
Ability to identify field difficulties, particularly regarding administration
and respondents understanding of questionnaires;
Ability to communicate various issues clearly to the team;
Ability to address participants concerns regarding written informed consent;
Ability to identify problems with data collection measures;
Must have strong analytical and troubleshooting skills;
Ability to brainstorm solutions to field challenges as they arise and work with
team in achieving problem resolutions;
Should maintain confidentiality while dealing with research data;
Prior exposure in data collection/ research in Water Sanitation project would be
Ability to handle PDA/smart phone for data collection would be required;
Must have strong interpersonal and communication skills.

Interested candidates who fulfill the requirements should submit online
applications using icddr,b website: www.icddrb.org by January 14, 2013. Internal
candidates must mention their Identification Number in the
application.Candidates who applied before need not apply.

Special information
icddr,b is an equal opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications
from women candidates. Any persuasion will disqualify the candidature. Only
short-listed candidates shall be invited for the interview. All the tests and
interviews will be held in Dhaka.

Apply Online

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Manager Job Vacancy - VSO (an International Development Organization)

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Manager Job
Vacancy - VSO (an International Development Organization)'

VSO is an international development organization working in Nepal since 1964.
VSO Nepal is implementing Promoting Quality and Inclusive Education for
Out-of-Reach Children in Nepal project funded by the European Commission. VSO
Nepal invites dynamic and qualified candidate to apply for a national senior
Job Position: Programme Development Manager- Secure Livelihoods
Duration: 1-year fixed term position
Job Location: Based in its country office in Kathmandu
Reporting to: The Country Director, the person is responsible for the
development and coordination of livelihood focused programming of VSO Nepal.
Deadline to apply: January 21, 2013

Major Responsibilities:

Programme and partnership development - shape programme objectives; engage
relevant stakeholders to inform and influence decision making; liaise with the
media on advocacy where appropriate; ensure that gender, climate change and
community cohesion themes are mainstreamed throughout; identify relevant
development interventions to deliver desired outcomes within the programme

Programme funding develop and implement programme funding plans, including
identifying sources of programme funding, keeping track of all major forecast
calls that are in line with the VSO Nepal country strategic plan, writing new
concept notes and project proposals, and networking with donors, to ensure
availability of relevant programme resources.

Programme planning, implementation and review lead the design and delivery of
appropriate planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting mechanisms compliant
with VSO and donor requirements but taking into consideration realities on the
ground; ensure and determine maximum impact for beneficiaries, and ensure that
continuous development and learning takes place.

Volunteers Support - to provide on-going programmatic support to volunteers.

Finance and Resource Management- develops, maintains and regularly reviews
financial plans to deliver programme objectives.

Other Duties - deputise for the Country Director or other senior staff as
required. Working closely with the Country Director and other team members and
assist in emergencies as required.

Essential Qualifications Required:
Demonstrated experience on designing and delivering Secure Livelihood
Proven experience of securing and managing external funding, including proposal
and report writing
Proven financial and personnel management skills.
Proven experience of working in a diverse, multicultural team.
Proven experience of building successful partnerships and networks
Evidence of understanding the project cycle, challenges of donor and contract
management and the implications for programme management.
Masters degree or higher studies in related field.
Fluency in spoken and written English required
Excellent computer skills (Windows, Excel, Power Point)

Experience of managing international volunteers.
Experience and confidence in networking with and securing coverage in the media
Clean driving license

On request, an application template, a full job description, person
specification and benefit package (local salary and benefits applicable) are
available from VSO Nepal at the email address below.

Interested and competent applicants are requested to fill and submit their
application using the VSO staff application template (available on request) by
21st January 2013. Applications can be submitted by email (vsonepal@vsoint.org),
by post or by hand delivered to the address below.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for selection process.

Head of Operations and Human Resource
VSO Nepal, P.O. Box 207, Kathmandu, Fax: 01-5524743
Email: vsonepal@vsoint.org

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Toy] The 17 Day Diet - Book Review

Toy has posted a new item, 'The 17 Day Diet - Book Review'

The following is a book review for the book "The 17 Day Diet" by Dr Mike Moreno.

I am going to do this review in point form... hope you don't mind.

#1. This is a weight loss book, and yes, if you follow its complex 17-day
instructions to the letter...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

петак, 11. јануар 2013.

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Programme Manager - Globally Threatened Species

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Programme
Manager - Globally Threatened Species'

Print page

Home >

Job vacancies >

Vacancy details

Reference number: 4850113
Location: Bedfordshire
Do you want to be part of a growing, dynamic team helping to save species from
global extinction?Do you want to be responsible for developing the RSPB's major
vertebrate eradications programme?
We are looking for a strong team player able to work with a wide-range of
colleagues to further develop major eradications work, notably on Henderson
Island in the Pacific.
You will be an experienced project manager with a track record of leading
multi-disciplinary teams. You must be highly organised, able to manage a range
of projects and have the ability to influence others. Although a team player,
you must be able to work with minimal supervision and you will be expected to
spend time working overseas each year, often unaccompanied.
26,000 to 32,000 per annum
Hours & contract information
Hours: Full timeReplacement post: No
Closing date: 11 February 2013Interview date: 26 February 2013
How to apply
For complete details of this post (including an application form) please
download an application pack. When you return the application form, ensure that
you include reference number 4850113 on any correspondence.
PDF version (236Kb, requires Adobe Reader)
Word version (105Kb, requires Microsoft Word)
Who to contact
For questions about this postRobSheldonrobert.sheldon@rspb.org.uk01767 693590
Send application forms toCaroline Donovancaroline.donovan@rspb.org.ukThe RSPB,
The Lodge, Potton Road, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL, 01767 693208

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Sepeda Motor] Mecatecno T8, Sepeda Motor Listrik Khusus Untuk Anak-anak

Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Mecatecno T8, Sepeda Motor Listrik Khusus
Untuk Anak-anak'

Mecatecno T8 adalah produk sepeda motor listrik berukuran mini karena kendaraan
roda dua memang dirancang untuk dikendarai oleh anak-anak. Mecatecno T8
diproduksi oleh Mecatecno, perusahaan yang mengkhususkan diri memproduksi sepeda
motor listrik dan b...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

[Gaun - http://gaun.web.id] Lee Seung Gi kembali tanda tangan kontrak dengan ‘Pizza Hut’ untuk tahun keempat

Gaun - http://gaun.web.id has posted a new item, 'Lee Seung Gi kembali tanda
tangan kontrak dengan 'Pizza Hut' untuk tahun keempat'

Lee Seung Gi adalah raja pizza.
Pada tanggal 10 Januari, Pizza Hut mengumumkan bahwa Lee Seung Gi memperbaharui
kontraknya dengan Piizza Hut untuk tahun 2013. Ini akan menjadi awal dari tahun
keempat Lee Seung Gi bekerja sama dengan Pizza Hut setel...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

четвртак, 10. јануар 2013.

[Intip Me] ONE OK ROCK - Around the world shounen (2009)

Intip Me has posted a new item, 'ONE OK ROCK - Around the world shounen (2009)'

Preview and Information

Single 6 May, 2009 3 tracksTracklist01. Around the world shounen02. Hitori
Goto LONELY na()03. Live at Zepp Tokyo 2009

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Intip Me

[Kaskus Lounge] Melihat Layang-layang Unik Di Jepang

Kaskus Lounge has posted a new item, 'Melihat Layang-layang Unik Di Jepang'

Berbagai jenis layang-layang dibuat dan digemari di dunia, misalnya, ada
layang-layang naga dari Cina, layang-layang berwarna-warni dari India, dan
beberapa orang lainnya menikmati Kitesurfing.Di Jepang, menerbangkan
layang-layang secara tradisiona...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Lounge


Pakaian.ME has posted a new item, 'GIVE AWAY 2 AKHIR TAHUN'

mengadakan Give Away ke 2 khusus akhir tahun jadi hadiahnya tu buanyaaakkk
banget...untuk sementara kalian bisa lihat seperti gambar diatas dulu yaa.. Give
away kali ini berup...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

среда, 9. јануар 2013.

[Warta News] Giffords' gun-control PAC to test her political appeal

Warta News has posted a new item, 'Giffords' gun-control PAC to test her
political appeal'

Former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly,
launched a gun control super PAC.(Photo: Ross D. Franklin, AP)Story
HighlightsIssue has been dominated by well-funded gun-rights groupsTexas lawyer
donated $1 million to Giffo...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Warta News

[Intip Me] Noor Tagouri, Gadis Cantik Pembaca Berita Berjilbab Pertama Di Amerika Serikat

Intip Me has posted a new item, 'Noor Tagouri, Gadis Cantik Pembaca Berita
Berjilbab Pertama Di Amerika Serikat'

Noor Tagouri, Gadis Cantik Pembaca Berita BerjilbabPertama Di Amerika
SerikatNoor Tagouri yang berasal dari maryland, Amerika Serikat berusia 19 tahun
mencatat sejarah dengan menjadi News Anchor muslim pertama yang sekaligus
berjilbab di Negara P...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Intip Me

[Toy] BATMAN JOKE - Joker Cat Asks Bat-Cat a Question

Toy has posted a new item, 'BATMAN JOKE - Joker Cat Asks Bat-Cat a Question'

Hee Hee!

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Lowongan CPNS] Politeknik Kesehatan Siteba Padang Karir Januari 2013 Posisi Dosen & Administrasi

Lowongan CPNS has posted a new item, 'Politeknik Kesehatan Siteba Padang Karir
Januari 2013 Posisi Dosen & Administrasi'

Politeknik Kesehatan Siteba Padang Karir Januari 2013 Posisi Dosen &
Administrasi. Pendirian lembaga kami bertujuan untuk menyediakan layanan demi
merealisasikan Development pada lingkup Pendidikan Nasional secara umum serta
juga pada sektor Keseha...

You may view the latest post at

You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
Best regards,
Lowongan CPNS

[Kaskus Lounge] 10 Mobil Terbesar di Dunia

Kaskus Lounge has posted a new item, '10 Mobil Terbesar di Dunia'

Ayo subscribe RSS Kaskus-forum, masukkan email anda:OlehFeedBurner

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Lounge

[Cantik] Resep Beef Teriyaki Recipe

Cantik has posted a new item, 'Resep Beef Teriyaki Recipe'

satu kreasi Resep Masakan, bagi Anda semua yang gemar bereksperimen dengan dapur
Anda tercinta. Resepi ini kami peroleh dari berbagai sumber referensi yang
terpercaya, jadi silahkan langsung aja disimak baik-baik ya.

Berikut ini bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan Beef Teriyaki. Harap
perhatikan baik-baik jumlah takarannya ya, agar hasilnya sesuai dengan yang
Bahan Yang Dibutuhkan

200 gramdaging sirloin, iris tipis
50 grambawang bombay, iris memanjang
1 siungbawang putih, cincang halus
3 sdmminyak goreng
1 sdmminyak wijen


2 sdmsaus teriyaki
½ sdtair jahe
2 sdmkecap manis
2 sdmgula pasir

Bahan Pelengkap

100 gramlobak serut
100 gramwortel serut
100 gramkacang panjang
100 gramselada serut

Berikut ini langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan dalam proses pembuatan hidangan
Beef Teriyaki. Perhatikan setiap langkah dengan cermat, terutama pada hal-hal
yang menyangkut waktu / durasi pemrosesan dan takarannya. Jangan sampai masakan
/ minuman Anda gagal hanya gara-gara kurang teliti.
Cara Membuat

Rendam daging sirloin dalam campuran bumbu selama 30 menit hingga bumbu meresap.
Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampai layu
kemudian angkat.
Panaskan lagi minyak wijen, masukkan daging, kemudian masak hingga daging
matang, lalu angkat.
Sajikan dengan salad sayuran.

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Best regards,

[MP3 Lyrics] Metta World - Get Like Me

MP3 Lyrics has posted a new item, 'Metta World - Get Like Me'

Blue yanke fitty, get like me
Az g's on the feet, get like me
Off the lot new v's, get like me
I'm tryina tell these niggas, get like me
Bad shawty no game, get like me
All ey...

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Best regards,
MP3 Lyrics

[Info Lagu-Lagu] D'Masiv - Masih Bisa

Info Lagu-Lagu has posted a new item, 'D'Masiv - Masih Bisa'

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Lagu-Lagu

уторак, 8. јануар 2013.

[Sepeda Motor] Akankah Nasib Xeon Seperti Suzuki Lets?, Bassi

Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Akankah Nasib Xeon Seperti Suzuki Lets?,

Akankah Nasib Xeon Seperti Suzuki Lets?, Bassi

Awal tahun ini Yamaha akan mengemas ulang salah satu matik andalannya, Yamaha
Xeon. Fiture anyar yang dibenamkan kabarnya menduplikasi kompetitornya.
Persisnya seperti apa saya pun tidak tahu. Tapi s...

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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

[Toy] Mattel: Ram Man Delivery Pushed Out To February

Toy has posted a new item, 'Mattel: Ram Man Delivery Pushed Out To February'

Mattel: Ram Man Delivery Pushed Out To FebruaryPublished by AnthonyP on January
7, 2013 at 10:43 PM CST |

Mattel has announced that due to the full allotment of Ram Man not arriving in
time for their January sale, Ram Man ...

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Best regards,

[Juventus FC] Llorente, la Juve farà l'ultimo tentativo per averlo subito

Juventus FC has posted a new item, 'Llorente, la Juve farà l'ultimo tentativo
per averlo subito'

Vertice a Vinovo. Il presidente Andrea Agnelli arrivato di buon ora, ha riunito
i dirigenti prima della seduta di allenamento, a cui poi hanno assistito tutti
insieme, e il tecnico Antonio Conte. L'ad Beppe Marotta e il capo dell'area
tecnica Fa...

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Best regards,
Juventus FC

[Sing!] Thrift Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz

Sing! has posted a new item, 'Thrift Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz'

Song Title: Thrift Shop
Album: The Heist
Artist: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz

Music Video: Thrift Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz

Song Lyrics: Thrift Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz

[Hook: Wanz]
I'm gonna p...

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[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] Lowongan Kerja PT Multi Spunindo Jaya Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'Lowongan Kerja PT Multi Spunindo
Jaya Januari 2013'

Loker Terbaru 2013 PT Multi Spunindo Jaya

We growing Nonwovens Manufacturer opening employment opportunities to those who
love a challenge, tenacious and creative, to position :

Management Trainee

Jawa Timur



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Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

[Pakaian.ME] Foto Super Junior-M Untuk Rilis ‘Break Down’

Pakaian.ME has posted a new item, 'Foto Super Junior-M Untuk Rilis 'Break

Setelah mengumumkan subunit Cina untuk Super Junior, Super Junior-M, akan
membuat comeback penuh dengan album kedua mereka 'Break Down', kelompok global
ini merilis teaser termasuk medley dari semua lagu dan promo individu gamb...

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Best regards,

понедељак, 7. јануар 2013.

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] List of PSU's Recruiting Through Gate 2013 scores, jobs through Gate 2013

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'List of PSU's
Recruiting Through Gate 2013 scores, jobs through Gate 2013'

Jobs through Gate 2013 Complete Info on List of PSU's Recruiting Through GATE
2013 ScoresList of organization and companies hiring Through Gate 2013 scores.
keeping Gate 2013 ascriteria For selection.. click on the links you will be

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id] Hauwei Ascend G500 Android phone Technical specifications and features

Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id has posted a new item, 'Hauwei Ascend G500 Android
phone Technical specifications and features'

Ascend G500 Technical Specifications and features


Ascend G500


Android Smartphone


Dual-core 1.0 GHz
Cortex-A9 MTK 6577


PowerVR SGX531



4 GB internal storage

up to 32 GB, microSD


Android 4.0.4 Ice
Cream Sandwich


4.3 inch IPS LCD
capacitive multi-touch screen display (540 x 960)


Rear: 5
megapixel autofocus, LED flash

Front: yes/VGA


2G Network
- GSM 850-1900 (SIM1&SIM2)

3G Network
HSDPA 900/2100


802.11 b/g/n



w/ A2DP, EDR






w/ A-GPS support




1930 mAh


x 65 x 11 mm





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Best regards,

[Konser] KBRI OSLO

Konser has posted a new item, 'KBRI OSLO'

dingin dan salju cukup tebal tidak menyuruti sekitar 200 orang warga Indonesia
dan keluarganya serta Friends of Indonesia, yaitu masyarakat setempat yang
mempunyai ke...

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Best regards,

[Konser] PPI DUNIA

Konser has posted a new item, 'PPI DUNIA'

Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) seluruh dunia berhasil mengumpulkan dana
lebih dari Rp400 juta yang akan disumbangkan bagi bantuan kemanusiaan warga
Palestina korban p...

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Best regards,


Sing! has posted a new item, 'LITTLE MIX - WINGS LYRICS'

"Wings little mix lyrics" Mamma told me not to waste my lifeShe said spread your
wings my little butterflyDon't let what they say keep you up at nightAnd if they
give you shhhh..Then they can walk on byMy feet, feet can't touch the groundAnd
I can't ...

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Best regards,

[Diameter] Bangun dari Koma, Mendadak Bisa Bahasa Asing

Diameter has posted a new item, 'Bangun dari Koma, Mendadak Bisa Bahasa Asing'

Tak perlu beli kamus apalagi ikut kursus. Seorang pria Inggris baru baru
ini mendadak bisa bahasa Welsh usai terbangun dari koma. Padahal, dia Cuma bisa
bahasa Inggris dan tak pernah belajar bahasa Welsh.
Alun Morgan, 81 tahun, dibesarkan berbic...

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Best regards,

[Cantik] Tips Mengatasi Bibir Kering dan Pecah-Pecah

Cantik has posted a new item, 'Tips Mengatasi Bibir Kering dan Pecah-Pecah'

Tips Mengatasi Bibir Kering dan Pecah-PecahAgar bibir Anda selalu lembut, tips
di bawah ini bisa dipakai.Hindari Kebiasaan Menjilat BibirSalah satu faktor yang
dapat membuat bibir kering dan pecah-pecah adalah kebiasaan menjilat bibir dan

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Best regards,

недеља, 6. јануар 2013.

[Intip Me] Inilah Fashion Liar Dan Kreatif Ala Harajuku Di Jepang

Intip Me has posted a new item, 'Inilah Fashion Liar Dan Kreatif Ala Harajuku Di

Inilah Fashion Liar Dan Kreatif Ala Harajuku Di JepangHarajuku adalah pusat mode
di Jepang. Berbeda dengan Paris, Milan, atau New York, fashion di Harajuku lebih
ekspresif dan tidak kenal batas. Bagi wisatawan seperti saya saat berkunjung ke
Tokyo, men...

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Best regards,
Intip Me

[Konser] RIM Umumkan BlackBerry Curve 9315 Rilis Januari

Konser has posted a new item, 'RIM Umumkan BlackBerry Curve 9315 Rilis Januari'

Meski sedang mempersiapkan peluncuran BlackBerry 10 namun RIM tidak melupakan
seri lainnya. Mereka mengumumkan akan meluncurkan BlackBerry Curve 9315 untuk
pasar low-end. Smartphone ini berjalan di sistem operasi BlackBerry 7.1 dan
sudah memiliki kon...

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[Kaskus Lounge] Wuiiih... Komputer ini Seukuran Penghapus

Kaskus Lounge has posted a new item, 'Wuiiih... Komputer ini Seukuran

Tak ada yang menyangka bahwa sebuah Personal Computer (PC) bisa seukuran
penghapus 2 inci. Saking kecilnya ukuran PC ini, saya yakin jika kamu orang yang
teledor, pasti akan sering lupa di mana menaruhnya. CuBox Pro, nama PC mini

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Lounge

[Sepeda Motor] Commonwealth Life SEO Blog Contest 2012

Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Commonwealth Life SEO Blog Contest 2012'

Pendaftaran Lomba : Lomba ini tidak dipungut biaya sama sekaliPara peserta warga
negara Indonesia dan menetap di IndonesiaPeserta hanya boleh mendaftarkan 1 blog
saja Pelaksanaan Lomba : Lomba dimulai tanggal 15 Oktober 2012 - 15 ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

субота, 5. јануар 2013.

[Intip Me] Fungsi Dan Cara Kerja Delivery Valve

Intip Me has posted a new item, 'Fungsi Dan Cara Kerja Delivery Valve'

Fungsi utama dari delivery valve adalah untuk mencegah aliran balik dan
mengaturtekanan sisa bahan bakar. Ketika plunger pada pompa injeksi telah
mencapai posisi titik matiatas, maka proses penginjeksian bahan bakar telah
berakhir. Jika plunger dan pip...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Intip Me

[Sing!] Review: Casio Baby-G X Ke$ha Gold Large Case

Sing! has posted a new item, 'Review: Casio Baby-G X Ke$ha Gold Large Case'

Casio Baby-G X Ke$ha Limited Edition BGA160KS-7B (2012-12)

Ke$ha like her watch to look vintage, but she Ke$ha is obviously a wild artist
that lives a funk, active, fearless and vibrant type of lifestyle. This year as
Baby-G ambassador, again ...

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Best regards,

[Kaskus.ES] Konsolidasi Keuangan di Awal Tahun

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, 'Konsolidasi Keuangan di Awal Tahun'

Konsolidasi Keuangan di Awal Tahun. Tahun 2013 baru berjalan beberaoa hari yang
lalu. Situasi ekonomi global makin tak menentu. Pulihnya Eropa makin jauh dari
harapan. Sementara itu, ancaman konflik Iran dan Amerika makin dekat dan bisa
membuat harga minyak tak terkendali.
Tetapi biarlah itu jadi urusan para pengamat, pengelola dana swasta, atau
pemerintah. Kita lebih baik memperkuat keuangan agar tidak gagap menghadapi
situasi yang tidak menentu.Beres-beres utang
Beragam literatur dan penerbitan merekomendasikan kita berbenah dengan utang di
awal tahun. Masuk akal, sebab dengan memberesi utang, kita tahu secara riil
kemampuan keuangan yang ada di kantong. Jangan sampai seolah-olah punya banyak
uang padahal tiap bulan tagihan membanjir.

Jangan pernah merasa tidak mampu melunasi utang kartu kredit yang biasanya
digunakan untuk membeli barang-barang konsumsi. Baik telepon maupun makan di
restoran. Bagaimana dengan utang rumah? Biarkan saja seperti sebelumnya. Terlalu
berat untuk dilunasi. Apalagi, rumah biasanya jadi aset yang nilainya selalu
lebih tinggi dari inflasi.Siapkan rancangan pengeluaran
Bagi yang sudah memiliki anak atau masih sekolah, jangan lupa: pertengahan tahun
adalah waktunya daftar ulang. Butuh biaya bukan hanya untuk urusan administrasi
sekolah, tapi juga keperluan lain seperti buku. Karena itu, rancangan anggaran
tetap dan tidak tetap (misalnya dibayar sekali atau dua kali dalam setahun)
harus disiapkan.
Kebutuhan sekolah, pajak kendaraan, dan lain-lain yang dibayar sekali atau dua
kali setahun terkadang luput dari perencanaan anggaran. Bisa karena dianggap
remeh, bisa pula karena adanya kebutuhan di luar perencanaan. Apalagi jika masih
ada utang konsumtif lewat kartu kredit misalnya, tentu sangat
mengganggu.Bersikap tega dengan pendapatan
Sekadar berbagi cerita. Seorang teman, bujangan, gajinya di atas Rp 6 juta per
bulan. Hidup sendiri. Tapi setiap bulan dia tak pernah punya dana lebih. Kalau
ditanya gajinya digunakan untuk apa, dia tidak bisa menjawab. Yang pasti,
asetnya tetap satu sepeda motor.
Belakangan dia sadar perlunya tabungan lantaran terpikir untuk menikah.
Akhirnya, dia mulai berhitung dengan pengeluaran. Dengan cara yang tega, dia
memangkas 20 persen gajinya tiap bulan di muka, dan mengirimnya ke rekening
khusus. Hanya sisanya yang dibelanjakan. Inilah yang dimaksud memisahkan
rekening: konsumsi dan investasi. Bagian konsumsi dibelanjakan, dan investasi
ditanamkan dalam bentuk emas batangan, saham, atau lainnya. Konsumsi aman, aset
pun terjaga.Pilih: investasi atau lindung nilai
Lebih mudah mengukur keinginan kita dengan menghitung ekspektasi atau harapan.
Misalnya, uang yang disimpan pada rekening khusus tadi, diharapkan nilainya
kelak minimal tidak berubah dengan sekarang. Kalau sekarang bisa beli motor,
yang akan datang juga setara dengan harga motor. Syukurlah kalau bisa tambah
Jika itu yang diinginkan, gunakan asumsi lindung nilai. Berarti, ditempatkan
pada instrumen yang teruji memberikan tingkat pengembalian minimal di atas
inflasi dan stabil. Misalnya, emas atau deposito. Tapi kalau diniatkan
investasi, tentu harapannya dapat kelebihan besar. Maka hukum investasi belaku:
ada risiko besar siap menerkam. Instrumennya bisa valuta asing atau saham.
Terakhir, semuanya sangat tergantung konsistensi melaksanakan dan menentukan
pilihan. Mau jadi raja sehari atau bahagia seumur hidup. Sebab, Kebahagiaan itu
bukan sesuatu yang tinggal dinikmati. Kebahagiaan datang dari yang kita lakukan,
kata Dalai Lama XIV.

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Best regards,


Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'CHARGER HANDPHONE LIGHTER USB'

Charger Handphone USB Motor

Untuk brother & sister yang suka travelling dengan motor, pasti terkadang di
repotkan dengan battray handphone yang suka drop atau lowbat. Mau ngecharge
handphone di pom bensin takut kehilangan handphone kesayangannya...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

[Info Mobil] DIY : Simple "iseng" test Ultrasonic Cleaner

Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'DIY : Simple "iseng" test Ultrasonic

gambar 1 - Busi di Ultrasonic Cleanergambar 2 - Test buat Kaca mata dan cover
handphoneSebenernya beli ultrasonic cleaner dah taon lalu, cuman belom sempet
ngetes buat bersihin injector ama buat barang-barang lainnya. Mumpung ada waktu

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

[Cantik] Peppermint & Makanan Manis, Trik Mudah Kontrol Nafsu Makan Berlebihan

Cantik has posted a new item, 'Peppermint & Makanan Manis, Trik Mudah Kontrol
Nafsu Makan Berlebihan'

Mengontrol hasrat dan membatasi porsi makan adalah salah satu kunci utama jika
ingin mendapatkan berat badan ideal dan seimbang. Tapi hal itu tidak terbilang
mudah. Hasrat makan seringkali masih menghantui meskipun Anda sudah menghabiskan
sepiring nasi...

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[Kaskus Marketplace] Minyak Mani Gajah

Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'Minyak Mani Gajah'

Khasiat mani gajah Dari lampung asli::Insyalloh:1. untuk berdagang/jualan ,
supaya menarik langganan dan menambah laris2. Dibawa supir untuk menarik
penumpangnya dan supaya tetap di pakai langganan sama penumpangnya3. dibawa
pegawai kantor supaya tetap...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

петак, 4. јануар 2013.

[Cantik] Resep Batagor Kuah Recipe

Cantik has posted a new item, 'Resep Batagor Kuah Recipe'

salah satu kreasi Resep Masakan, bagi Anda semua yang gemar bereksperimen dengan
dapur Anda tercinta. Resepi ini kami peroleh dari berbagai sumber referensi yang
terpercaya, jadi silahkan langsung aja disimak baik-baik ya.

Berikut ini bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan Batagor Kuah. Harap
perhatikan baik-baik jumlah takarannya ya, agar hasilnya sesuai dengan yang
Bahan Yang Dibutuhkan

27 lembarkulit pangsit
14 buahtahu putih ukuran kecil, belah dua segitiga, keruk tengahnya
minyak secukupnya,untuk menggoreng
300 gramikan tenggiri, haluskan
3 batangdaun bawang, iris halus
3 siungbnawang putih, haluskan
1 sdt garam
sdtmerica bubuk
sdtgula pasir
2 putihtelur
150 mlair es
115 gramtepung sagu tani
20 gramtepung terigu protein sedang

Bahan Kuah

300 gramtulang ayam
1800 mlair
4 siungbawang putih, haluskan
2 ;jahe, memarkan
4 sdtgaram
sdtmerica bubuk
2 sdtgula pasir
1 sdtangciu
1 sdmkecap ikan

Bahan Pelengkap

1 sdmair jeruk limau
1 batangdaun bawang, iris halus

Berikut ini langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan dalam proses pembuatan hidangan
Batagor Kuah. Perhatikan setiap langkah dengan cermat, terutama pada hal-hal
yang menyangkut waktu / durasi pemrosesan dan takarannya. Jangan sampai masakan
/ minuman Anda gagal hanya gara-gara kurang teliti.
Cara Membuat

Campur ikan tenggiri, daun bawang, bawang putih, garam, merica bubuk, dan gula
pasir. Uleni rata.
Masukkan putih telur dan air es, uleni rata. Tambahkan tepung sagu dan tepung
terigu, aduk sampai kalis. Bagi 2 adonan. Satu bagian isi ke dalam tahu putih.
Satu bagian sisanya masukkan dalam kulit pangsit. Rekatkan sisinya dengan air,
bentuk segi empat.
Goreng siomay dan batagor dalam minyak yang sudah dipanaskan di atas api sedang
hingga matang. Sisihkan.
Kuah: Rebus air, tulang ayam, bawang putih, jahe, garam, merica bubuk, gula
pasir, angciu, dan kecap ikan sampai mendidih.
Sajikan batagor bersama kuahnya.

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Best regards,

[Toy] Transformers Prime Dark Energon VC Optimus prime

Toy has posted a new item, 'Transformers Prime Dark Energon VC Optimus prime'

Hi guys it will be my 1st review and also my 1st contribution for TFW2005, a
little present from me before the year ends i hope you guys enjoy it.
Since the mold is already reviewed i will keep things short and simple as much
as possible. Will al...

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Best regards,

[Sepeda Motor] OT Model Modifikasi Unik Kawasaki Ninja 250 Zupeer

Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'OT Model Modifikasi Unik Kawasaki Ninja 250

OT Model - kali ini ada desain Modifikasi Unik Kawasaki Ninja 250yang sungguh
sangat OT Model Modifikasi Unik Kawasaki Ninja 250 Zupeer.

Kawasaki Ninja 250 memiliki tampilan sport yang sangat kental sejak keluar
dari pabriknya. Maka tidak heran jika banyak pembesut motor sport asal Jepang
ini meningkatkan tampilannya dengan cara memodifikasi ala motor
MotoGP.Pertimbangannya, selain mudah untuk dimodifikasi model tersebut,
aksesoris penunjangnya juga sudah banyak tersedia dipasaran. Namun Studio Motor
Custom Bike mencoba menyuguhkan sesuatu yang berbeda lewat Kawasaki Ninja 250
berjuluk Flat Traker.Modifikasi yang diusung tidak terlalu ekstrim namun membuat
Ninja memiliki karakter naked bike yang sangat kuat dan terlihat seksi. Seluruh
bodi asli pelet dari Jepang ini ditanggalkan dan diganti baju baru. Siapa pun
yang melihat motor ini pastinya tidak akan menyangka kalau ini Ninja 250.Tangki
asli Ninja yang gendut pun diganti dengan tangki lebih kecil model peanut. Tidak
diketahui berapa isi kapasitas BBM pada tangki ini. Buritan Flat Traker pun
sangat terlihat berbeda. Model meruncing yang mencirikan motor sport masa kini
berubah dengan model mendatar khas Cafe Racer.Tampilan luar kian terlihat sangar
dengan balutan warna hijau doff. Sementara sektor rangka dilabur warna kuning
emas untuk menunjang tampilan luar.Nampaknya motor ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi
sang penunggang saja. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari jok model single seater
yang dianut. Hal menarik terlihat pada sektor penerangan, Ninja telanjang ini
menggunakan lampu HID yang dicomot dari Toyota Rush. Lampu tersebut ditempatkan
di shockbreaker sebelah kanan.Agar tampilan luar kian maksimal, maka part berbau
racing pun coba untuk dianut seperti foot step X-Race, filter udara K&N dan
knalpot racing lansiran Leovince SBK.Ubahan pada sektor kaki-kaki pun tidak
nampak nyeleneh dan disesuaikan dengan postur Flat Traker. Velg palang enam
disektor depan dibalut ban depan Bridgestone Battlax 120/70-17, sementara sektor
belakang mengusung ban Bridgestone Battlax 150/70-17.SpesifikasiSetang:
FatbarSpion: KosoLampu depan: Toyota Rush + HIDLampu Belakang: After
marketKnalpot: Leovince SBKFootstep: X-RaceFilter udara: K&NBan depan:
Bridgestone Battlax 120/70-17Ban belakang: Bridgestone Battlax 150/70-17Custom:
Studio Motor custome BikePainting: Komet Studio

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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

[Bike To Work] KISRUH PSSI: AFC tunda kedatangan ke Indonesia

Bike To Work has posted a new item, 'KISRUH PSSI: AFC tunda kedatangan ke

Sumber Asli -- C0I - Konfederasi Sepak Bola Asia (AFC) yang mendapatkan tugas
dari FIFA untuk membantu menyelesaikan kisruh sepak bola Indonesia menunda
kedatangannya meski telah dijadwalkan sebelumnya."Kami telah mendapatkan kabar
jika AFC baru bi...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

четвртак, 3. јануар 2013.

[Cerita] Bocah Tanpa Wajah Dari China

Cerita has posted a new item, 'Bocah Tanpa Wajah Dari China'

Luka bakar hebat membuat wajah bocah asal China tampak mengerikan. Ia dijuluki
bocah 'tanpa wajah' karena nyarismukanya rata seperti mengenakan topeng.
Nahasnya lagi, orangtuanya tak punya biaya untuk melakukan operasi plastik.

Bila melihat wajah W...

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Best regards,

[Sepeda Motor] Cara cuci helm yang benar

Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'Cara cuci helm yang benar'


You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

среда, 2. јануар 2013.

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Rwanda Youth for Christ School Accountant Job Vacancy in Rwanda

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Rwanda Youth for
Christ School Accountant Job Vacancy in Rwanda'

How to apply:
Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications addressed to
the National Director not later than 7th JANUARY 2013 including;
Application letter.
Curriculum Vitae bearing at least two referees
Recommendation letter from the church.
TEL CONTACT 0785984069
Done at Kigali on 27/12/2012

MUGARURA Jean Baptiste
National Director
Rwanda Youth for Christ.

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Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Energy Efficiency Technical Training & Hands-On Internship / Envirolution / New York, NY

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Energy
Efficiency Technical Training & Hands-On Internship / Envirolution / New York,

Envirolution/New York, NYAre you looking for a job in the energy efficiency
field but are having a hard time finding the jobs, accessing the market and/or
getting any response from employers? Or maybe you're getting some interviews but
you keep hearing that you need more industry specific technical training and/or
hands-on experience?! Or perhaps you're currently employed and are looking to
transition to a more fulfilling career that allows you to make a living AND a
positive impact? If any of these are true for you, then this program is
specifically designed to assist YOU.
Organizational Overview:
Envirolution is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring and
empowering the leaders that will drive the transition to a truly just and
sustainable economy. We achieve this by providing a unique blend of
service-based sustainability education, leadership development and career
advancement services.
Program Overview:
Envirolution's Win-Win Campaign is an energy efficiency technical training and
internship program, combined with an energy efficiency outreach, education and
implementation assistance initiative for small businesses. The program is
implemented on a part-time basis, during off-work hours (i.e. nights & weekends)
and is comprised of two interwoven components: the in-class training component
(60 hours) and the in-the-field internship component (60 hours). After
successful completion of the program, we also provide paid internship
opportunities, job placement assistance and additional professional
certification (i.e. BPI, LEED) test-prep training.
Program Process:
This 8-week program begins with a 30-hour bootcamp which takes place over two
consecutive weekends. The bootcamp serves as a crash-course into energy
efficiency principles, auditing practices, energy conservation measures (ECMs),
the retrofit implementation process and the NYC economic incentives landscape to
prepare the participants to go out into the field. In order to complete bootcamp
and proceed to the internship portion of the program, participants must pass a
written and a field test.
Once the bootcamp is complete, interns are broken up into teams, paired with
professional mentors and are assigned to work with one of our contractor
partners. Interns are then responsible for reaching out to the small businesses
in a target neighborhood to educate them on the many energy efficiency solutions
and incentives available to them. Each intern is required to: (1) reach out and
educate at least fifty businesses; and (2) to assist at least twelve businesses.
Assisting a business entails providing them with a free energy audit, qualifying
them for eligible incentive, and connecting them with the appropriate agencies,
contractors and/or vendors to facilitate the implementation of energy efficiency
Through this innovative hybrid training program that combines classroom
training, mentoring and fieldwork, participating interns gain invaluable
real-world, hands-on experience and concrete energy auditing and project
management skills that are applicable across a wide spectrum of career
opportunities in the emerging green economy.
â The next start date the for the session will be January 19th
â We start a new session of the program approximately every two months.
Program Partners:
The upcoming session of the Win-Win Campaign is being implemented in partnership
with (Community Partners) CUNY's City College of New York, the Manhattan Borough
President's Office, Bright Power, Solar1, Lifecycle Solutions, The NY Grants
Company, CleanEdison, the Asian American / Asian Research Institute (AA/ARI) at
CUNY; (Contractor Partners) FCI Consulting Group, EIA, Sheridan Electric,
Efficionados, Willdan Energy Solutions; (Workforce Partners) The Osborne
Association, Non-Traditional Employment for Women, Green City Force and STRIVE
International; and is supported by The Mertz-Gilmore Foundation.
As you can imagine, there are costs associated with putting on this program.
Even with our partners' and supporters' help, it still costs us about $1250 per
participant to put on this extensive program. However, we recognize that many
people that can most benefit from this program might not be able to afford that,
which is why we have established merit and need based financial assistance as
well as payment plan options. We absolutely don't want anyone to be discouraged
from participating because of financial limitations. In fact, we have never
turned anyone away solely due to finances. So if you are interested in the
program, we encourage you to apply. If you are a strong and deserving candidate,
we will certainly work with you. In summary:
â Participation in this program costs $1,250 per participant.
â There is merit and need based financial assistance, as well as payment
â If you are interested in the program, please apply. We will not turn
anyone away solely based on financial limitations.
â JOB PLACEMENT assistance upon successful completion (with over 80%
placement success rate within 3 months)
â 60 Hours of energy efficiency technical training
â 60 Hours hands-on internship field work
â 12 Completed energy audit reports for your portfolio
â Experience using energy audit equipment (including light meters, watt
meters & ballast discriminators)
â Program Polo shirt and Business Cards
â Additional subsequent training opportunities (i.e. BPI certification
test-prep, entrepreneurship courses, etc)
Dates & Commitment:
â Participation in the program requires a commitment of 120 hours total
(60 hours of in-class training + 60 Hours of internship field work) over an
8-week period.
â Bootcamp -- 30 Hours of Class + Tests; over 2 weekends + 2 Wednesday
â Weekly Classes -- 30 Hours; 6 hours per week x 5 weeks
â Weekly Field Work -- 60 Hours; approx 10 hours per week x 6 weeks
â All classes and field work are during off-work hours (i.e. nights and
To be considered for participation in this program, please send your resume and
cover letter to intern@envirolution.org. Note that each session of the program
is limited to 25 participants.
For more information on Envirolution's Win-Win Campaign, please visit our
website at http://www.envirolution.org Apply To Job

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Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[FC Barcelona - http://fcb.web.id] Kolkata's Mohun Bagan appeals to AIFF to review suspension sentence

FC Barcelona has posted a new item, 'Kolkata's Mohun Bagan appeals to AIFF to
review suspension sentence'

The Kolkata giants Mohun Bagan AC have send a letter to the All India Football
Federation president Praful Patel in regard to the suspension of the club
following the AIFF/I-League's verdict to suspend the club for the remainder of
this and the next co...

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Best regards,
FC Barcelona

[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] Total E&P Indonesie - Recruitment Total E&P Indonesie January 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'Total E&P Indonesie - Recruitment
Total E&P Indonesie January 2013'

Total S.A / total.com PT Total E&P Indonesie - Total is a leading private gas
producer company in Indonesia. The Company involved in the production and
distribution of oil and gas in Indonesia. The Company has been operating in
Indonesia since 1968...

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Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

[Lowongan PNS - http://pns.web.id] 62 Honorer K-1 Terancam Batal Diangkat

Lowongan PNS has posted a new item, '62 Honorer K-1 Terancam Batal Diangkat'

MUARA DUA- Nasib 62 honorer kategori 1 (K-I) OKU Selatan yang telah dinyatakan
lulus veifikasi BKN makin tak jelas dan terancam tidak diangkat. Ini menyudul
tidak diundangnya OKU Selatan oleh BKN dalam rapat koordinasi penyerahan
penetapan formas...

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Best regards,
Lowongan PNS - http://pns.web.id

уторак, 1. јануар 2013.

[Warta News] Fugitive bank robber's hunt expanded nationwide

Warta News has posted a new item, 'Fugitive bank robber's hunt expanded

CHICAGO The FBI has expanded its search to nationwide for a convicted bank
robber who is still on the lam nearly two weeks after escaping a federal jail in
downtown Chicago, CBS Chicago station WBBM reports.

Play Video
Bank robber caught after dar...

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Warta News

[Warta News] Hillary Clinton working from hospital bed

Warta News has posted a new item, 'Hillary Clinton working from hospital bed'

January 1, 2013 4:11 PM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remains hospitalized
due to a blood clot near her brain. It is not yet known when she will be
released. Margaret Brennan reports.

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Warta News

[Warta News] Remembering the recently emancipated

Warta News has posted a new item, 'Remembering the recently emancipated'

(CBS News) Exactly 150 years ago from Tuesday, in a nation torn by civil war,
President Abraham Lincoln declared slaves in rebel states to be "forever free,"
but the Emancipation Proclamation did not end the war. It did, however free

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Warta News

[Warta News] Stanford wins Rose Bowl 20-14 over Wisconsin

Warta News has posted a new item, 'Stanford wins Rose Bowl 20-14 over

PASADENA, Calif. Although Stanford didn't score many style points in the 99th
Rose Bowl, the Cardinal could celebrate because they didn't let Wisconsin score
any points at all after halftime. Stepfan Taylor rushed for 89 yards and an
early touchdow...

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Warta News

[Automotive Xplore] Mercedes Benz ML280 CDI Car Wallpaper Gallery

Automotive Xplore has posted a new item, 'Mercedes Benz ML280 CDI Car Wallpaper

2012 Mercedes Benz ML280 CDI Car Wallpaper Gallery with cars specification news

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Automotive Xplore

[Automotive Xplore] Platinum 4" Oval Tube Step Bar - 2011-12 Ford Explorer Available Now!

Automotive Xplore has posted a new item, 'Platinum 4" Oval Tube Step Bar -
2011-12 Ford Explorer Available Now!'

Westin has developed the 2011-12 Ford Explorer application for Platinum 4" Oval
Tube Step Bars. This is a unique offering in that the 21-Series Platinum 4" Oval
Tube Step Bar, a beefy and sturdy step design, was slated for offering reserved
to trucks and vehicles such as Chevy Tahoe and GMC Yukon.

2012 Ford Explorer with Westin Platinum 4" Oval Step Bars

Due to popular demand, the Ford Explorer application was selected to be one of
the first SUV applications designed for this product. It is the first Ford SUV
offered, but is in good company with the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Platinum 4" Oval Tube Step Bar (21-Series) Black w/ 30 degree bends at ends

In addition to this being a unique vehicle offering, Westin engineers have taken
careful consideration in the design of the step, which typically features a 90
degree mandrel bend at both ends of the bar. Westin has focused on rocker panel
mounting of a cradled step with 30 degree bends at both ends.

Applications come complete with vehicle specific mounting kit, available in
black or polished finish and has the widest step area offered.

Application Information

2011 2012 Ford Explorer 5 21-3600 21-3605

FINISH: Black Powdercoat

MATERIAL: Mild Steel


FINISH: Polished

MATERIAL: Stainless Steel

WARRANTY: Lifetime

1 Excludes S.S. models.
2 Excludes Daytona, Rumble Bee and SRT-10 models.
3 Requires some drilling.
4 Not for Canadian diesel models.
5 Application features ends with 30 bend.

Additional Notes
Applications for Jeep Wrangler and Toyota Tacoma also feature rocker panel
mounting, and a cradled step with 30 degree bends at ends.

More To Choose From
Westin offers the largest variety in step-up products with 3 general step styles
and 13 step products in all. Choose your step by style: 3" Round Tube style, our
most traditional style step; Oval Tube style steps that range from traditional
style mounting like that of the 3" Round Step Bars, or choose a full cradle
mount style Oval Tube Step. They range in tube diameter from 4" to 6". Westin
Oval Tube Steps include: 4" Oval Tube (cradle mount style), Platinum Oval Bar
(traditional mount style with select cradle step applications), Premier 6" Oval
Tube (cradle mount style), and the NEW GenX Oval Tube Nerf Bar (cradle mount
style) with accent tube feature and drop down step. Choose a Running Board style
step which is classified by its single unit construction that runs the length of
the vehicle body and mounts in a cradle style. Choose Sure-Grip Running Board
(available in 3 finishes), Molded Board (Lighted or in Unlighted style), or
Westin's NEW HDX Commerial Grade Running Board (diamond tread).

Function. Difference. Variety. Style.

For more information please contact:
PH: 626-960-6762 EMAIL: marketing@westinautomotive.com
VISIT: www.westinautomotive.com

5.528 REF: PR-L1P-014 041712

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Best regards,
Automotive Xplore

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Clean-Tech Education Sales Associate / CleanEdison, Inc. / New York, NY

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Clean-Tech
Education Sales Associate / CleanEdison, Inc. / New York, NY'

CleanEdison, Inc./New York, NYThe Clean-Tech Energy Consultant is the driving
force for CleanEdison. They meet and talk with candidates interested in breaking
into the clean-tech industry but aren't sure where to begin. They are experts on
the certifications we offer and the industries we provide training for. The
Clean-Tech Energy Consultant speaks everyday with clients from all different
backgrounds â from business owners wanting to train their entire company
to the unemployed individual looking to get a fresh start. Our Clean-Tech Energy
Consultants are attentive, informed, engaging and motivated by matching clients
existing skills with the training needed for their success in the sustainable,
clean-tech workforce.
Principal Responsibilities:
- Identify business opportunities and establish relationships through
interactions with key players in the clean-tech industries e.g. Unions, Power
Companies, Architecture Firms, Real Estate Owners, State Legislators and
Executives, and Financial companies.
-Develop educational strategy, presentations and customized proposals for
customers based on their objectives, desired tactics and budget parameters
-Manage programs from creation and contracting to execution
-Manage sales & support inquiries about our course benefits and offeringsApply
To Job

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Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Job Vacancy PT. Sinar Sosro December 2012

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Job Vacancy PT.
Sinar Sosro December 2012'

Job Vacancy PT. Sinar Sosro December 2012.Sinar Sosro is a company engaged in
the tea. PT Sinar Sosro is a ready to drink tea in bottles the first in
Indonesia and in the world. The company produces tea in a bottle called Tea
Bottles, Joy Tea, F...

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Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Lowongan CPNS] Info Lowongan Kerja ODP Bank BII Medan, Palembang dan Surabaya Januari 2013

Lowongan CPNS has posted a new item, 'Info Lowongan Kerja ODP Bank BII Medan,
Palembang dan Surabaya Januari 2013'

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja bisnis di seluruh cabang, khususnya bisnis
SME, kami mencari putera puteri terbaik yang siap membangun karir, dengan
mengikuti :
(Officer Development P...

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Best regards,
Lowongan CPNS


Sepeda Motor has posted a new item, 'FOTO KIPROK MOTOR'

Berikut ini beberapa kumpulan foto kiprok motor yang telah terpasang "Regulator
Kiprok Motor". Metode yang dianut pada RK adalah me"regulasi" dengan cara
memaksimalkan pengisian kiprok motor standar menjadi se-maksimal serta secepat
mungkin. Dengan tet...

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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor

[Info Rumah] CITRA GRAN : Rumah mewah, model modern minimalis, besar, mewah

Info Rumah has posted a new item, 'CITRA GRAN : Rumah mewah, model modern
minimalis, besar, mewah'

Rumah minimalis modern bagus sekali...dijual murah saja...siap huni.. ada
basement kamar mandi di dalam kamar tidur..lokasi terdepan di perumahan elit
citra gran cibubur, dekat ke sport club, dekat ke mal citragran, giant
hypermarket, dekat ke f...

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Best regards,
Info Rumah

[Lowongan PNS - http://pns.web.id] Penerimaan CPNS 2013 Tetap Dibuka

Lowongan PNS has posted a new item, 'Penerimaan CPNS 2013 Tetap Dibuka'

JAKARTA–Meskipun pemerintah belum memutuskan, apakah moratorium CPNS yang
berakhir 31 Desember mendatang akan dilanjutkan atau tidak pada 2013, namun
peluang adanya seleksi tetap terbuka. Hal ini tersirat dari pernyataan Menteri

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Best regards,
Lowongan PNS - http://pns.web.id

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