среда, 3. октобар 2012.

[Warta News] 'Slow Mo' team show the destructive power of a Molotov Cocktail with camera that can take a staggering 2,500 frames per second

Warta News has posted a new item, ''Slow Mo' team show the destructive power of
a Molotov Cocktail with camera that can take a staggering 2,500 frames per

Eddie Wrenn


11:07 EST, 2 October 2012



01:44 EST, 3 October 2012

'Don't do this yourself… you would be an idiot.'With that friendly warning,
the 'Slow Mo' team launches a Molotov Cocktail at the side of a ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Warta News

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